Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Interesting Author Facts/Quotes
     Thought it would be interesting since we work in a library to learn about those authors we love so much! Shelly

Ernest Hemingway tried to inlist in the US Army during WWI, but was turned down due to poor eyesight. He volunteered to drive ambulances for the Red Cross in Italy instead. Soon, thereafter, the 19 yr. old transferred to the Italian infantry.


  1. My aunt just published her second book called Finding Kate. VCPL has a copy for circulation.
    Her name is Kathy Chandler and this is her blog

  2. —Quotes by Stephen King

    “I have no particular spiritual insights, but I think every writer who does this on a daily basis has a ‘back channel’ to the subconscious that can be accessed pretty easily. Mine is wide and deep. I never write with an ax to grind, but I sense strongly that this world is a thin place indeed, simply a veil over a brighter and more amazing truth. To me, every ant, cloud and star seems to proclaim that there is more to existence than we know. I suppose that sounds like naturism and pantheism, and to some degree it is, but I also believe in a power greater than myself. If I die and that turns out to be wrong, there’s this advantage: I’ll never know.”
    “Who gave you the idea I hate most of the film adaptations? There are at least eight really good ones, and the only one I can remember hating was [Stanley] Kubrick’s cold adaptation of The Shining; spending three hours watching an ant farm would be more emotionally uplifting.”

  3. Did you know there is a Big Read blog? Here's the address:

  4. I love this quote by Anna Quindlen

    I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.
    Anna Quindlen

    ~ Lauri Chandler
